Beautiful Minimalist Posters by Bold Tuesday

In their lives, humans generally suck at a number of things. In my experience, one of those things would definitely be geography.

If you, like me, would find yourself in troubled waters trying to point out Tajikistan on a map, fear no more, as Markus and Kairi might be coming to our rescue.

This Estonian duo of designers, known as Bold Tuesday, specializes in creating sleek, minimalist maps for customers to keep track of their travels. I had the pleasure to find out about their pieces at an exhibition event I attended a while ago in Kulturikaatel, Tallinn.

I especially liked their “Go! World” poster bundle: it comes with a blank canvas customizable through country-shaped stickers as soon as new places are visited. They also have other pieces based on a similar logic, each one stating that maps don’t necessarily have to be plain and boring, as most of us demean them.

Markus and Kairi might not might turn you into a geography guru in a heartbeat, but they could certainly boost up your curiosity around the subjects thanks to their creative approach. Also, you might finally get a chance to trash that tacky globe you grandmother gave you for something prettier.

With all due respect to grandmothers. And to Tajikistan, which I happened to learn is in Central Asia if any of you cared.

Get a glimpse of Bold Tuesday below, or visit their official website. They ship internationally.

bold tuesday hooligan hamlet

bold tuesday hooligan hamlet

Photos: and

Bold Tuesday website
Bold Tuesday Instagram

Editor: Santino Calvo @santinocalvo