Hooligan Book Club: Born a Crime – Trevor Noah by Liisa Ennuste (ENG)
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
“Hooligan Book Club” is a column curated by digital marketing specialist / sportsgirl / fashion icon / socialmedia influencer Liisa Ennuste. This is a book CLUB, so you are very much…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
Eesti tõenäolisemalt kõige tulihingelisem sneaker-tšikk Liisa Ennuste avaldab, millised olid tema silmis 2016. aasta ketsimaailma tipphetked, keskendudes üldpildis just naistele. Pane tähele, sest just siit võid ammutada inspiratsiooni oma järgnevaks ketsiostuks või…
Meie #hooligangirlsinsneakers seeria jätk. Kurat, seda ei saa jätkuks tegelikult nimetada. Pigem nagu uus raamat starring Liisa Ennuste. Naine, kelle ketsihullus teeb silmad ette nii mõnelegi (kindlasti ka minule). Vastuseid lugedes jahmatas…