Interview: william – hottest name in Finnish hip hop right now released his album “Boy Wonder” (ENG)
His name is william, he comes from a small town in Finland and he owns the Spotify record in Finland for the most days on top 1 spot. He just…
His name is william, he comes from a small town in Finland and he owns the Spotify record in Finland for the most days on top 1 spot. He just…
Racer Worldwide is probably one of the coolest things ever happened to Estonian streetwear. The brand’s webstore racerworldwide.net is constantly sold out after every release, they just revealed their first…
“Hooligan Book Club” is a column curated by digital marketing specialist / sportsgirl / fashion icon / socialmedia influencer Liisa Ennuste. This is a book CLUB, so you are very much…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
What book to read? Which are the best authors? What do other people think of the book I like? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Is…
Anželika Petrauskaite ehk ANGELOU on artist Klaipedast, kes elab ja loob hetkel muusikat Birminghamis. Nii mõnus kui Birmingham ka ei oleks, tekitas hiljutine bändiproov Londonis Anželikas soovi enda tegemistega kolida. Suurem osa…
View, considered one of the greatest talents in Finnish urban music scene, is going to release a new single “Deeper (Bitch Leave A Comment) feat. Ronya” tomorrow which will be the first single…
Kui paljud noored kodumaised moeloojad otsivad õnne piiri tagant, sattus mõnda aega tagasi vahetusõpilasena Eestisse õppima Itaaliast pärit Elisabetta Silvestri, kes armus siinsesse elusse nii väga, et otsustaski mõneks ajaks…